Rally Sunday - Connecting at Trinity

On September 10th, we hosted our annual Rally Sunday where we kicked off our new ministry year and highlighted all the things we do as a congregation. Every ministry year we select a highlight for growth as a church, and this year, we’ve chosen Delight. The idea is this: because God delights over his people (Ps. 18:19) and rejoices over us with singing (Zep 3:17). We are led and driven to delight in him through our joys and trials.

One of our goals this year is to make sure you know how you can become involved in Trinity’s life. Rally Sunday is a way to get folks connected. If you missed Rally Sunday, then here is an overview of a connection pathway. Our connection pathway is simple: 1. Welcome, 2. Connect, 3. Participate, 4. Serve. 

1. Welcome

The first step is to visit us. Join us on Sundays and then attend one of our regular Connection Coffee (& Tea). We’d love for you to join us, and we’ll be there to answer any questions you have. 

2. Connect

Second, we encourage everyone to connect with us and stay in the loop. Register on Church Center and this will also sign you up for our weekly email.

3. Participate  

Third, participate in the life of the church outside of Sunday morning. Join a group. Fill out this interest form to show your availability. Pursue becoming a Covenant Member where you commit to caring for others in this specific congregation. Email contact@trinitycitychurch.org to get started. 

4. Serve 

Fourth, serve. As you get to know others in the church, you will see ways to serve in the church or you may even be asked to help in a ministry.  Fill out our volunteer interest form here. Pray about it and help out. Also consider serving your city as you seek to love your neighbor. 

Join us in this mission of making the gospel walkable and global. It’s a delightful mission!